
Hello There!

This page aims to help fellow travellers make their journeys more plain-sailing. It also hopes to encourage new readers to venture on new adventures by giving enough detail that saves them time when planning a trip to an unknown land or to beloved places which have more hidden gems to be discovered.

About the Authors

We are lovers of travel, of the adventures and learning curves it brings with it; avid readers; empaths; protectors of the environment; learners of Life.
We believe in investing in experiences, honouring our souls’ purpose, sprinkling a dose of love on our words and actions, lifting other beings up, making life easier for everyone in general, and caring for this treasure of a planet we call Home.
We have embarked on the paradoxical quest for a simple yet fulfilling life in a whirlwind world.
We hope you enjoy reading our posts as much as we enjoy writing them.

Best wishes,

Passport and Pathways x